Your Guide to Salesforce Duplicate Management

Salesforce duplicate management

  Whether you’re a Salesforce administrator, a sales professional, or an IT manager, understanding how to navigate and conquer the challenges of duplicate records is crucial for optimizing the performance of your Salesforce CRM and ensuring clean, reliable data for informed decision-making. Duplicates in Salesforce can emerge from various sources, including manual data entry errors,…

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How to export Salesforce reports to Excel

How to export Salesforce reports to Excel

Salesforce is a powerful CRM, but has its limitations when it comes to building reports and tracking historical data. This is why countless Salesforce admins turn to Excel as their primary tool for report presentation and editing as well as for optimizing data management. Excel provides numerous benefits for data organization, validation, and analysis, and…

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How to mass update Salesforce records – a complete guide

How to mass update Salesoforce Records

Salesforce is a great platform that covers a huge array of corporate processes and provides a great user interface to enter or modify data, but only one record at a time. If you are working with tens, hundreds, or even hundreds of thousands of records – you’ll need to learn how to mass update Salesforce…

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