Florencia Mouriz


Florencia Mouriz is a professional with over two years of experience at Xappex, where she has performed as a Technical Support Agent and Coordinator, and Technical Writer. In this role, Florencia provides support to customers while creating educational content and tutorials that guide users through the implementation of Xappex tools with Salesforce. Her contributions seek to enhance customer understanding and optimize the use of these tools.

Before joining Xappex, Florencia gained valuable experience participating in diverse projects for other companies, where she worked as a Salesforce Administrator and implemented Vlocity solutions. She has an extensive background in Salesforce ecosystems and is determined to deliver impactful results for our company.

Based in Tandil, Bs As, Argentina

To learn more about Florencia’s experience and connect with her, visit her LinkedIn profile


Trailhead by Salesforce – https://trailblazer.me/id/mmouriz

Egg Education – Front End Developer

Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Agile Testing with Tools

Academia QA – Basic Software Testing


Florencia Mouriz Posts

Your Guide to Salesforce Duplicate Management
How to export Salesforce reports to Excel