G-Connector for Zoho CRM
Connect your Google Spreadsheet to Zoho CRM and exchange data with it both manually and automatically. Absolutely free!
Schedule an auto-refresh of Zoho CRM data
Pull any data from Zoho CRM and schedule automatic offline refresh of it up to once an hour. Have your Zoho CRM data always be ready for you when you open your Google Spreadsheet
Sync your google sheet with Zoho CRM automatically
Have you ever wondered how cool it would be if your Salesforce users could just edit a Google spreadsheet and all the data would get synced up with Zoho CRM automatically? Well now you can do exactly that with G-Connector for Zoho CRM, a groundbreaking Google Sheets add-in.
Mass Data Loads
Breeze through mass record creation/updates fully utilizing all Excel capabilities such as filters and sorting. Enjoy amazing speed and instant error reporting when loading data directly from your Excel spreadsheet.