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How to export and import Flows and Flow Steps from/to Salesforce

Starting from version XL-Connector supports exporting Flows and Flow Steps to Salesforce and importing them back into your Excel document.

Exporting/Importing Flows and Flow Steps from/to Salesforce in XL-Connector Enterprise Admin

To export a previously exported Flow to Salesforce:

  1. Click on Edit Flow.
  2. In the subsequent dialog box, expand the Export Flow button and select Export Flow to Salesforce:

To import a previously exported Flow from Salesforce:

  1. Click on Edit Flow.
  2. In the subsequent dialog box, expand the Import Flow button and select Import Flow to Salesforce:

To export one or multiple separate Flow Steps to Salesforce:

  1. Click on Edit Flow.
  2. In the subsequent dialog box, click on Steps tab, then expand the Export flow step(s) button and select Export selected flow step(s) to Salesforce:

To import one or multiple separate Flow Steps from Salesforce:

  1. Click on Edit Flow.
  2. In the subsequent dialog box, click on Steps tab, then expand the Import flow step(s) button and select Import flow step(s) from Salesforce:

Importing Flows from Salesforce in XL-Connector Team Player

Your Team Player users also have an easy way to import a flow previously created and exported by the admin.

To import a flow from Salesforce into the active sheet:

  1. Click on Import Flow button in the ribbon:
  2. In the subsequent dialog box, select the required flow and click Import.
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