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XL-Connector Download

Download XL-Connector on your own

To sign up for a free, no obligation, 14-day trial of XL-Connector, please download and install the XL-Connector Excel Add-in as described below.

Once you log in to your Salesforce account the first time, a free trial of the software will be automatically created for you.

IT looking for an MSI for central installation? Click here.

Looking for automatic data sync capabilities or a plug-in that works on Macs and Excel Online? Get it here.


Download XL-Connector

Installing XL-Connector

  • It’s best to stop Excel before you do the install, but if it’s running – you’ll need to restart it after the installation is completed.
  • Download the installation package from the following link: www.xappex.com/downloads/XL-Connector-Installer.exe
  • Double-click the installer file you downloaded and click through the wizard pages.
  • The installer may have to install some Microsoft libraries for XL-Connector to work. The Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime and the .Net Framework version 4.5 will install themselves if necessary. The .Net install can take quite a while — don’t worry, it just works.
  • On some systems (particularly WinXP), the install of .Net requires a system reboot – so if you see .Net installing itself you should save your work in any applications that are open. If the reboot is required, the installer will automatically restart itself and continue.
  • When it’s completed, restart Excel if it was running during the install. Look in the menu bar for a new ribbon called “XL-Connector.”
  • If you want to be able to download XL-Connector templates (XLSX or XLSM files) from record level in Salesforce dynamically populating the sheets with record-level data, check out our Managed Package.
  • There’s nothing to install or set up on the Salesforce side.  XL-Connector works with Platform, Group, Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited editions of Salesforce.com.


Download XL-Connector


Updating XL-Connector

  • You can update to the latest version of the connector from Settings –> Update.

Should this upgrade not work, do a complete reinstall of XL-Connector:

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